Exam Preparation & Beyond

We guide students to great heights in their exams by going further than basic revision.


Achieve excellence in any assessment through expert-led learning programmes adapted to individual needs


of our pupils improve their overall exam performance


From GCSEs to SATs, exams are key steps on every education journey. Rather than promote last-minute revision, we guide students to achieve their goals both during and after their assessments. Pupils reach their potential with bespoke learning programmes designed and delivered by our experts across all exam boards.

Long before any exam, our world-class specialists build students’ self-confidence while deepening understanding of the subject material. Our approach to the learning process fosters the intellectual curiosity and creative problem-solving that underpins both exam success and wider education experience.

Our growing alumni say it best

"I don't know what kind of magic you do at Carfax, but it worked! Thank you!"

Parents of a Year 6 Carfax pupil


Our team of academic experts select and train world-class educators who inspire, engage and mentor students on their education journey

    Claire Morgan-Busher
    Private Tutor

    My journey through education helped me to acquire skills that allow me to best grasp the opportunities of life. Carfax provides me with the platform to impart my passion for education to my students to support them with their own paths.


    About Sophie

    Sophie joined the Carfax Education Team in March 2018.
    As Consultant, she provide dedicated support every step of the way for families seeking education advice.
    Sophie has spent 15 years transforming operations across Consultancy and retail disciplines. She critically evaluates the strategic design of processes, people, and systems to drive operational efficiency and sustainable growth, and enjoys translating the bigger picture into executable plans.


    Columbia University

    MA in History of Education

    Sophie Oakes
    Education consultant

    “Early education is much more than caring for the basic needs of children. At Carfax we understand every child is individual and believe their education should reflect that. Our flexible approach to learning means we can support every child to achieve their goals.”

    Read more about Sophie

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