5 min read

June 6, 2024

Develop Your Child's Personal Profile This Summer With Carfax Education

Building your child’s personal profile is a key part of preparing for a competitive University application and the summer is the perfect time to look at ways of developing skills and experiences to prepare them for the future.

Carfax Education and partners have created a learning programme that will enrich your child's education and give them experiences they won't forget.The programme is designed to strengthen your child's academics, develop their life skills, and help them reach their future goals and aspirations.

1. Internships

An Internship is essential for students looking to gain experience working in a specific industry and it can provide an important step to building a solid profile for future education and career opportunities. From volunteer work to skilled internships, we can help you gain 'hands-on' experience, develop transferrable skills and grow personal connections.

2. Summer Camps

Many students will be embarking on unforgettable summer experience at one of our partner SummerCamps. Joining an international camp will help you not only to grow as a person and learn new skills, but also to step out of your comfort zone. Not only will you build resilience and independence, you will create memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

3. English Language Programme

We are delighted to launch a summer language programme, designed to improve the English skills of non-native speakers.Our interactive, student-centred group classes are presented by experienced tutors, using a variety of modern methods and activities, such as online quizzes, games, worksheets, music and movie clips. We can support all levels, from beginner to advanced - our classes teach different language skills, dependent on students' English abilities, interests, and needs. This is ideal for pupils who are starting in a new school and are concerned about their level of English.

4. Residential Placements

For families traveling to their second home, or enjoying a vacation this Summer, our tutors can be placed with you for short holiday assignments.  The role of a tutor can cover anything from homeschooling, mentorship, and extracurricular activities; all in-keeping with their chosen curriculum and learning path.Last year, a Carfax tutor was placed on a superyacht, delivering lessons across the Mediterranean; from haggling in souks, to bringing biology to life by exploring coral reefs and observing coastal erosion. By incorporating local cultures and creating immersive experiences, the children were given the opportunity to broaden their vision beyond the classroom.

5. Academic Transition Support

At Carfax Education, we support children during key transitions, and provide constant support when settling into their new learning environment, preparing them for their future learning and all round development.

Whether your child is moving schools or transitioning from GCSE to A-Level, we have a dedicated team of experienced educators and tutors ready to provide comprehensive assistance during the summer, ready for the new academic year.Summer is also peak season for relocation - children are often transitioning from one curriculum to another, and we regularly find that there are gaps in their foundational, topics and skills (remember, no curriculum covers the same content in the same order). Our tutors can help to identify these areas and help build knowledge and confidence ready for your child to embrace the new challenges ahead.

6. Educational Travel

We are thrilled to announce the launch of this visionary travel experience, designed to stimulate, engage and transform.  Working alongside our dedicated travel partner, The Luminaire, we have created visionary experiences offering photography enthusiasts, amateur or accomplished, an opportunity to travel with, and learn from world renownedMagnum Photographer's.

Travel across Mexico, discover the hidden gems of the Atlantic coast, or create your very own bespoke journey - an experience that will inspire your children beyond the classroom.

All of these experiences are a wonderful ‘value add’ to a child’s profile as they seek to learn and develop and differentiate themselves in this competitive world.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions, or would like more information about our Summer programme, please click here to contact us.

Make the most of your Summer break to develop your child's personal profile. This year, Carfax Education and partners have created a learning programme that will enrich your child's education, and give them an experience they won't forget.

Click on the button below to start your education journey with Carfax Education today

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